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Name Pronunciations  and Book Glossary

(some photo links)





(usual Greek pronunciation)









Agios Nikolaos - Áyeeos Ni-kó-lah-os
Arianna - Ahreeáhna
Asprada - Ahspráhtha
Barbara- Vahrváhra
Chania - Hahnyáh
Delouraki - Deloorákee
Demetrios - Deméetreeohs
Dorothea - Dorotháyya
Elias - Eléeas
Emilios - Eméeleeohs
Ethymios - Ethémeeohs
Evangelea - Evahngeléea
Georgia - Yeoryéea
Ioanna - Eeoáhna
Karidia - Kahreetheeáh
Lasithi - Lahséethee
Lemoni - Lemónee
Lithos - Léethohs
Malia - Máhleea
Milos - Méelohs
Nektaria - Nektahréea
Petros - Pétrohs
Prasinos Kampos - Práseenohs Cáhmpohs
Rethymno - Rétheemnoh
Spiros - Spéerohs
Stavrolaki - Stahvrohláhkee
Stefanos - Stéfanohs
Stergios - Stéryeeohs
Topos - Tóhpohs
Vasilis - Vaséelees
Violetta - Veeoléta
agápe - love
Ágios Títos - Saint Titus (church)  [â—™]
agorá - public area or open market
babá - daddy
baboúlithes - boogeymen
baklavá - layers of thin fillo dough and nuts topped with a cinnamon-honey syrup  [â—™]
boubouniéra - white candy-coated almond wrapped in tulle tied with ribbon
bouzoúki - metallic-sounding guitar/mandolin
dolmáthes - lemon-drizzled steamed grape leaves stuffed with seasoned rice and sometimes meat  [â—™]
efharistó - thank you
élla - come
endáxi - okay
ethó - here
Kakó Óros - Bad Mountain (dangerous stretch of road)
kandíli - thick glass filled with water and a layer of oil with a wick secured on top
Kardináli - Cardinal (grapes)
koúkla - doll
koulouráki - ring-shaped cookie/pastry  [â—™]
koumbáro - best man /sponsor
kourabiéthes - flaky butter cookies topped with powdered sugar  [â—™]
mamá - mommy
melomakárouna - citrus-flavored finger cookie dipped in syrup and topped with nuts and cinnamon  [â—™]
mezéthes - appetizers
mitéra - mother
moussaká - casserole of seasoned potato, tomato, eggplant and sometimes meat
óhi - no
Panayía mou - my Virgin Mary
Pappoú - Grandfather
paximáthi - dried toast
rakí- concentrated alcohol
spanakópita - spinach and feta cheese baked in fillo dough  [â—™]
stéfana - two wedding "crowns," or thin white decorated bands linked by a long ribbon
tavérna - casual restaurant
tsourekákia - butter cookies twisted into various shapes  [â—™]
vasilópita - pound cake (with coin or treat baked inside at New Year)  [â—™]
yá sas - hello (to multiple people)
Yiayiá - Grandmother
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